Now that you have been in the SPADA, you can read carefully this section, in order to know more about the next step of the asylum process : your appointment at the one-stop service (Guichet Unique),
I went to a structure of first host for asylum seekers (SPADA)
Due to the limited capacity of SPADA, it is possible that you won’t be received the first time round.
Do not be discouraged! You should go back again!
You can also go to another platform (List of platforms). If you have further troubles, you can go to see associations that help asylum seekers (par exemple, La Cimade). If you are staying in France, you have to ask for an appointment only by phone (N° 01 42 500 900). The phone line is very occupied : you must keep on phoning everyday.
Reminder: You must go through a SPADA in order to seek asylum in France.
At the SPADA, the employee gave you an appointment letter to go to the “one stop service”.
On the appointment paper, the address of the “one stop service” and the date and time of your appointment are indicated. You have to be on time. If you do not show up to your appointment, it will be hard to get another one!
At the “one stop service”, you must go first to an agent of the prefecture and then to the OFII’s agent.
At the prefecture’s counter you will meet an official in charge of the registration of the asylum applications..
He/she will take your fingerprints and see if you have been to another europen country before coming to france or if you have already applied for asylum in France or in another country of the European Union.
Then the official will tell you how your asylum procedure will be examined: the asylum application can be examined by normal procedure, fast-track procedure or Dublin procedure.
It is important that you understand the difference between these three procedures as the treatment of your asylum demand will differ, in terms of time but also in terms of quality of file review, particularly in the CNDA (appeal in case of refusal of OFPRA)!
At the « one stop service», after meeting an officer of the prefecture, you will go to the OFII.
An officer of the OFII will ask you questions about your personal situation to see if you have specific needs. This officer works at the same place than the prefecture agent; you will be redirected to him/her. An emergency accommodation for example or a place suitable for the disabled, etc. It is to him/her that you should indicate whether you have immediate needs, such as accommodation or other.
In order to do this, the OFII will give you a form called “offer of support from the national reception system.” (offre de prise en charge au titre du dispositif national d’accueil ; see the photo below). In order to get the aid proposed by the OFII, you must sign the form by checking the YES I AGREE TO BENEFIT OF MATERIAL RECEPTION CONDITIONS (Oui, j’accepte de bénéficier des conditions matérielles d’accueil).
Attention: if you do not accept this offer, you will not benefit from this aid
What kind of aid can an asylum seeker benefit from ?
The law gives you the right to accommodation and financial assistance during the period of your asylum application, provided that you sign the form (offre de prise en charge au titre du dispositif national d’accueil) by checking the box “YES I ACCEPT ” (Oui, j’accepte).
If you correctly checked the ‘Yes” box, you can benefit from an accomodation and a financial assistance. The accomodation can be either a CADA (accommodation center for asylum seekers), or a HUDA (emergency accommodation for asylum seekers). The accommodation could be offered anywhere in France.
If you are in a CADA:
1/You will have a room to yourself or you will share a room with someone.Please note: If you leave your CADA accommodation, the OFPRA may close your asylum application.
2/ You will receive financial help (financial allowance for asylum seekers).
3/ Assistance in order to apply for asylum and proceed with granting you your social rights
4/ You will use the address of your accommodation for all your procedures
5/ You can stay there until the final decision of your asylum:
6/ If you are granted refugee status, you must leave the accommodation within 6 months after obtaining the decision.
7/ If your application is rejected, you will have one month to leave the accommodation, after date of reception of the decision.
If you are in a HUDA:
1/ You will have a room to yourself or you will share a room with someone. Most of the times it will be a hotel room.
2/ You will receive financial help (financial allowance for asylum seekers).
3/ You can stay there until the final decision of your asylum.
4/ You will receive all of your mail at the SPADA.
5/ The follow up of your asylum file and your social rights will be ensured by the PADA of your domiciliation.
WARNING : As the number of places is limited, it is quite possible that the OFII does not give you an accommodation right away.
If there is no places available, the OFII will ask you to wait and you will benefit from :
1/ A financial help (financial allowance for asylum seekers).
2/ A domiciliation at a SPADA (for all your procedures).
3/ The follow up of your asylum file and your social rights will be ensured by the PADA of your domiciliation.
If you need help with your asylum procedure or in regard to your social rights, you can contact “Dom’Asile” or other associations that provide assistance to asylum seekers:
→ List of the permanences held by Dom’Asile (Paris and surroundings)
→ List of the Refugee Help Centers of Cimade (all around France)
WARNING: It is possible that the OFII asks you to go the a SPADA in another region, even if it can’t garantee you a living, but only a domiciliation. If you want to leave this region for one or another reason, you have to ask the OFII. If you leave this region without an authorization, the OFII can retire the housing conditions and the money (ADA).
If you do not accept the offer of accommodation made by the OFII (offre de prise en charge), you cannot have accommodation or financial assistance.