
Information for Ukrainian citizens wishing to enter French territory and/or stay here
The “Vaccine pass” becomes obligatory in France
Updated: 24/01/22
From the age of 16 the vaccination pass is mandatory to access the following activities:
– Leisure activities
– Restaurants and bars, except for collective catering
– Fairs, seminars and trade shows
– Interregional public transport (planes, trains, buses), except “for imperative reasons of family or health”.
– Employees working in the above-mentioned sectors will be required to have a vaccination pass.In addition to the introduction of the vaccination pass, the law includes other provisions to combat fraud:
Managers of places and activities subject to the vaccination pass will be able to verify the pass, and if necessary, the identity of the pass holder,
The presentation of a vaccination pass belonging to another person will be subject to a fine of 1,000 euros
The possession of a false pass will be punishable by five years imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.
Our New Vidéos:
Tutorial ‘how to do your quarterly declaration of ressource CAF online
Tutorial video ‘how to do your monthly declaration of ressource POLE EMPLO online
Tutorial video ‘What is Aide Médicale d’Etat and how to ask for it?
Tutorial video ‘What is Slodarity Trasport and how to ask for it?
Tutorial video ‘How to fill out tax return form ‘IMPOT’?

Information for Afghans seeking protection in France: HERE:

New measures to prevent a fourth Covid wave in France : the main announcements in Emmanuel Macron’s TV speech of July 12th.
The French government announced a series of new measures to encourage people to get vaccinated against Covid-19 (if they have not already done so), so as to prevent a possible fourth wave of the disease in France.
Vaccination shall not become compulsory, but access to most public places will soon become impossible for people who will not be able to exhibit a so-called “ health pass ”. A health pass may be obtained in three main ways :
– either after having been fully vaccinated against covid-19
– either with a recent negative test to coronavirus (not older than 48 hours)
– or with a medical attestation of having recovered from previously contracted covid-infection
Starting July 21st
For all people over 18, the health pass becomes compulsory in all places of recreation and culture with a capacity of more than 50 people (cinemas, theatres, concert halls, festivals, leisure parks, an so on). Starting September 1st, the same rule will apply for young people from 12 to 18.
Starting August 1st
The health pass shall be compulsory not only for the clients, but also for the workers and employees in public places of life such as : cafes, restaurants (including terraces), long distance buses, trains and railway stations, planes and airports, commercial centres, health facilities, homes for the elderly.. and so on.
Starting September 15th
Vaccination shall be compulsory for all health or non-health professional employed in the health sector, in the homes for the elderly, in the institutions for people with disabilities, and for all people in close contact with the elderly in an institution or at their home, be they professionals or volunteers. For professionals, controls will be operated and in cases of breaches sanctions will be applied.
in Autumn 2021
people shall have to pay for a PCR or antigenic test (till now free), unless this test has been prescribed by a doctor
A reminder on vaccination.
To get vaccinated, you have to make an appointment on the Internet sites Doctolib ( or ( . In case of difficulties for using Internet, you may make a phone call to the following number : 0 800 0 09 110.
– Vaccination against Covid remains free of charge in France, and accessible to people without a stable address or without identity documents. To get vaccinated, you do not have to present a Vitale card or a CSS attestation.
– Vaccination protects from the heavy forms of the disease and from medical complications
– As for any other vaccine, after vaccination may occur some secondary effects (such as a slight fever, a local pain, a brief fatigue) which disappear after a brief period ; in the rare case of more serious secondary effects, they can be reported on
– After vaccination, it remains necessary to apply some simple protective measures such as wearing masks in certain circumstances.
To get a flyer about vaccination written in French, follow the link :
Facebook live!

To inform about the procedure of Expulsion in France (OQTF/IRTF) and to answer your questions concerning the risk, the delai, the procedure of appeal against the OQTF (obligation to leave France) , IRTF ( interdiction to return to France) : La Cimade, organises ‘ a live Facebook chat’ on 24th of june 2021 at 7:30 pm!
How it works ?
Connect to the Facebook of « La Cimade » on 24th june at 7:30pm
No need to to subscribe
After a breif presentation of the procedure of Expultion in France, the team will answer your questions.
Connect to the Facebook live :
on 24 june 2021 at 7:30 pm
Solidarity Transport
If you receive RSA, ASS , CSS (complémentaire santé solidaire) or Aide Médical d’état (AME) and you live in Ile de France , you can bénéfit from a transport pass, to travel in the « Ile de France area » either free or with a reduced price, called « solidarity Transport »
Here is a small vidéo that shows how to ask for the Solidarity Transport on line.
Did you have the Aide médicale d’état [AME] between November 2018 and june 2020 ? If you have charged your pass navigo during this period You can get 75% or 25% refund !
Ask for the refund ! You can do it up to 31/03/2021
By email By post : AGENCE SOLIDARITE TRANSPORT Remboursement AME complémentaire TSA 66908 95905 CERGY PONTOISE Cedex 9
Documents to send – Form: can be downloaded from the website of the ‘carte solidarité transport. – Copy of card AME between novembre 2018 and juin 2020 – Copy of the pass Navigo – Or copy of the ‘Navigo Découverte’ with the proof of payement – R.I.B (If you have one, if not you can use the rib of a friend or a relative