It is very important to accept this offer because if you don’t, you will have no access to housing or an allowance. Even if you are living with a friend or someone from your family, if you need an allowance to live on you must accept the offer to be taken in charge.
>> If you don’t accept, and then change your mind, you must quickly file your appeal and then immediately find an association to help you go back to the beginning. You have only a few days for this process.
1/ How much is the allowance
The ADA is comprised of two components: a lump sum of 6.80€ per day for a single person, paid to every beneficiary, and an additional amount of 7.40€ called “pécule” : this “pécule” is reserved for asylum seekers who have accepted the material reception conditions from OFII but you couldn’t have an accomodation due to the lack of places.
That is to say :
– If you accept the offer and the OFII grants you a house, you will receive 6,80 €/day.
– If your accept the offer but the OFII can not provide you housing, you will receive 14.20€/day. (6.80 + 7.40)
– If you have a husband, a wife or children with you in France, you will receive 3,40€ more /day/person + 7.40€ per day for your wife or jusband if you are not hosted.
2/ How can I receive the allowance’s money ?
The OFII is responsible for supplying this allowance, either by depositing it in your bank account or in a card that you will be given by the clerk when you apply (carte de retrait ADA). That card is not linked to a bank account, but it enables you to withdraw your allowance from any automated teller machine in France in up to three installments.
If you decide to open a bank account, you may apply to open a “Livret A” at the Poste (see Bank Account section).
3/ How long will I receive the allowance ?
Your allowance is paid throughout the duration of the asylum-seeking process. Whether or not your application is accepted by the OFPRA, if you decide to file an appeal with the CNDA, the allowance will be paid until the end of the month which follows the notification of the final decision in your case. To illustrate: assuming that you receive the definitive decision in June, the last month you will be paid is July, and you would receive the allowance in August.
You receive the allowance at the beginning of the month (allowance for January is received at the beginning of February).