At the end of your appointment at the one-stop service, the prefecture official gave you a certificate of asylum seeker (ADDA) called “Procédure accélérée” (fast-track procedure), and the asylum application file which is called OFPRA file.
The prefecture can indeed decide to process your file using the fast-track procedure in one of the following cases:
-In case you refused to have your fingerprints taken by the prefecture, or in case your fingerprints can not be read.
-In case you already applied for asylum and you are applying for a reconsideration of your file.
-In case you are considered having hidden information about you or your journey.
-In case you got an obligation to leave the French territory (OQTF)
-In case you filed your application more than 120 days (4 months) after your arrival to France, and you could not explain the delay.
-In case you are a national of one of the following countries : Albania, Armenia, Benin, Bosnia Herzegovina, Cape Verde, Ghana, Georgia, India, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mauritius, Moldavia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Senegal, Serbia, or one of the European Union countries.
The fast-track procedure is a summary procedure, that offers fewer guarantees that the case will be examined thoroughly than the normal procedure.
>> The certificate is valid for one month, but you have to send the file completed to the French Office for the Protection of Asylum Seekers and Stateless Persons (OFPRA) before 21 days.
Pay attention to the following points when filling the OFPRA file in :
1/ The file must be filled in in French. If you need it, you can ask a dedicated association to help you.
2/ The file must be signed.
3/ You must enclose the following documents with the file:
– 2 photos
– A copy of your certificate of asylum seeker
– In case you have it: your ID card or passport (original)
4/ You must send the file using a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt (“lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception”), or you can bring it directly to the OFPRA.
>>If your file is complete, the OFPRA will send you a registration letter, otherwise, it will send it back to you, asking you to complete the file and send the file again within 8 days.
With the registration letter and your domiciliation certificate, you can go back to the prefecture and get a new certificate for asylum seeker valid for 9 months, which you will be able to renew when necessary until the end of your asylum process.
>> You will benefit from the social rights granted to the asylum seekers (such as access to the medical care system), as well as from the financial aid on condition that you accepted the OFII offer.
I think that my demand should be considered in Normal Procedure. How can I request the change of procedure ?
You should inform the OFPRA (in your story or at the interview) why you think that you shouldn’t have been placed on Fast-track procedure (procédure accélérée). The OFPRA has the ability to examine your file in normal procedure (procédure normale).